Celebrating over 20 years of our love for payroll.
With warm appreciation for our loyal PaycheckCity fans, we’ve created a new PaycheckCity to better serve your payroll needs. Whether it’s gross-to-net calculations, federal and state-specific tax rates, the latest payroll insights, or a payroll solution that you seek, our hope is that you will find it at PaycheckCity.
Who created PaycheckCity?
Tom Reahard knows payroll. A self-professed “payroll geek,” he’s spent his entire career in the payroll industry. He wrote the first payroll system for the Macintosh and is the author of the Symmetry Tax Engine, which calculates the paychecks for over 100 million employees each year.
While building software tools for enterprise payroll platforms and Fortune 500 companies, Tom still had a heart for the little companies. The small businesses who embody the entrepreneurial spirit that Tom exhibited when he first set out to write a truly great software product. In May 1979, Tom walked into a ComputerLand store in Phoenix, Arizona as a recent college graduate and asked what type of software people were looking for. The associate told him, “they want to do payroll on the computer.” Three months later, Tom had a payroll product that he sold in plastic bags on consignment at ComputerLand. The rest is history.
Every year a million new businesses start up. Most will fail. But the next year, a million more will try. PaycheckCity Payroll is an ode to the small business founders who make up 99.9% of all United States businesses. Providing the same big-company accuracy for small businesses is a dream come true for the software founder from Indiana known to his closest friends and family as Tommy.

History of PaycheckCity
Symmetry Software, the parent company of PaycheckCity, launches in disk form Net Pay Plus, the original paycheck calculator.
Symmetry Software makes freely available the tax resources behind its products on the website Payroll-Taxes.com. Payroll-Taxes becomes the number one organic search result for “payroll” and maintains this position for nearly a decade.
Symmetry Software discontinues its Net Pay Plus calculator by putting it online for free at the website PaycheckCity.com.
USA Today Hot Site names PaycheckCity a “Kim Komando ‘Kool Site.’”2001
Symmetry Software begins licensing private-label versions of PaycheckCity calculators to employers who want to provide a paycheck modeling tool to their employers.
With the website that had given us so much, we wanted to give back so we launched “Calculators For Kids.” Whereby for every 100,000 visits to PaycheckCity, we gave a scientific graphing calculator to a kid in need.
Upon customer request, we built a mobile app.
Symmetry Software rebrands and begins exhibiting at American Payroll Association events as Symmetry. PaycheckCity remains a strong brand by itself on its own.2013
We launched a new version of PaycheckCity focused on paycheck articles with a responsive design aimed to work on every browser. Traffic to PaycheckCity explodes.
Calculators For Kids expands to other states through the word of mouth of happy teachers and happy students. We give away our 1,000th calculator.
Not enough people used the mobile app to justify the continued development, so we canned the mobile app.2015
PaycheckCity private-label calculators are rebuilt and rebranded as Calculators by Symmetry, completing PaycheckCity’s transformation to a stand-alone consumer brand.
PaycheckCity Payroll launches as the paycheck calculator plus. Longtime user requests such as building employee Payroll and saving calculations are fulfilled.
PaycheckCity Payroll makes its debut at the American Payroll Association Congress in National Harbor, MD.
PaycheckCity relaunches with payroll tax content, paycheck calculators, payroll tools, and a full payroll offering.